Privacy Policy
For traffic statistics and spam prevention purposes, IP addresses and non-identifiable information such as computer operating system, internet browser, time spent on the site, etc. are logged during each visit to this website. In addition, small files called cookies may be used to track which pages have been viewed or clicked on. These practices are common to nearly all websites on the internet and help diagnose technical difficulties, research user behavior, and improve your overall experience while on the site. None of the data we collect will ever be rented or sold to a third-party for any purpose. Should you have any questions about the firm’s privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.
By visiting and using this website, you agree to do so at your own risk. While we strive to present accurate, quality information in our content, we cannot guarantee this at all times and are not responsible for damage or loss. When commenting on articles and interacting with other users of this website, you are expected to do so with respect and courtesy. Feedback left by other users of this site does not necessarily reflect the views of the firm. We reserve the right to edit or delete comments for any reason at our own discretion.
At certain places on this website, live links to other Internet addresses may be accessed. Such external Internet addresses contain information created, published, maintained, or otherwise posted by third parties independent of The Wilder Law Firm. We do not endorse, approve, certify, or control these providers and take no responsibility whatsoever for their content (nor is any affiliation between such linked sites to be implied by virtue of such linking, unless affiliation is stated). Similarly, the Firm does not endorse, approve, certify, or control providers of any sites which link to this Web site, and takes no responsibility for the content of such sites (nor is any affiliation between such linked sites to be implied by virtue of such linking, unless affiliation is stated).